Monday, November 13, 2017

An Arsonist for God

Everyone around them was in awe and fear came upon every soul.

Wow.  Could these words ever be used to describe me?  These are the words used to describe the disciples who were performing miracles through the power of the Holy Spirit.

I must confess that any desire I have to be regarded "in awe" is not usually related to the Holy Spirit working in or through me.  Even with the purest of motives I fail.  I hate having to admit that.  Really hate having to admit that.  

There is always the danger that we may do the work just for the sake of the work.  This is where the respect and the love and the devotion come in--that we do it to God, to Christ, and that's why we try to do it as beautifully as possible.  (Mother Teresa)

The truth is I am ashamed of my selfishness in seeking Him and serving Him.  It is embarrassing to realize how often I make it about me.  I have never been so aware of my need for the empowering of the Holy Spirit.  I have undermined and underestimated His presence and His power for far too long.  Wondering if I might be jumping into the charismatic deep end, I search on.

In Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit came He was described as a "rushing, mighty wind" and a "fire".   

The wind was a symbol of His presence. The Holy Spirit helps, comforts, guides, protects, instructs, seals, intercedes, bears fruit, transforms, leads, renews......And God pours out His Spirit on all who believe. 

The fire; a symbol of His cleansing, judging power.  A fire is illuminating.  The Spirit in us enlightens our minds with knowledge of God's truth--the full truth.  He makes things clear. (John 16:25)  He strengthens and conforms our belief in the truth, and increases our love for it.   

"I set my face like flint" (Isaiah 50:7)   To me, this is one of the mystery verses that I kind of understood but usually breezed by.  

Flint: hard, quartz-like substance often used to START FIRES.  

It's an "aha" moment. If I ever hope to ignite a deep, burning love for God in my own heart much less anyone else's, anywhere, ever, I must be willing to be used as flint.  It can't be about me or any hint of self gratification.  Here's the thing. I don't want to be the one that quenches the fire. That's what I do every single time I seek appreciation or recognition for something wonderful I think I did. Every time I long for significance in this world.  

He has turned my longings into this prayer:  I want my heart to burn with an all consuming fire for Him.  Imagine that fire.  Flames dancing, illuminating the dark corners of my heart.  Mesmerizing.  

Setting my face like flint only requires willingness from me but the gritty work of getting the fire started and keeping it burning comes from Him.  In allowing myself to be used as flint for the Fire, I can begin to "let my light shine".  .  .For Him.  For His purposes.  For His Glory.
Radiating. Glowing. Dazzling. Blazing.  For all the right reasons. 

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